Home » UpForIt: Should You Give It A Try?

UpForIt: Should You Give It A Try?

Are you ready to take your dating life up a notch? Looking for an exciting way to meet new people and find love? UpForIt might be the perfect site for you! This review will tell you all about this popular online dating platform – from its features, user base, pricing plans, safety measures…and more. So buckle up and get ready – let’s dive in!


Well, if you’re looking for a dating site that’s UpForIt then I’m sorry to say it ain’t this one! It’s about as exciting as watching paint dry. Sure, the interface looks nice enough but when it comes down to actually finding someone who fits your criteria – forget about it! You’d have better luck trying to find a needle in a haystack. The search filters are so limited and outdated they might as well not even exist at all. Plus, there doesn’t seem to be much of an active user base on here either; most of the profiles look like they haven’t been updated since 2009… yikes! Save yourself some time and money by steering clear of UpForIt – trust me on this one!

UpForIt in 10 seconds

  • UpForIt is a dating site that allows users to find matches based on their interests and preferences.
  • The matching algorithm of UpForIt uses a unique compatibility score system to pair users with potential partners.
  • UpForIt offers both free and premium subscription options for its users.
  • Premium subscriptions range from $9.99 per month to $19.99 per month depending on the duration of the subscription.
  • UpForIt also has an app available for download on both iOS and Android devices.
  • UpForIt’s pricing is competitive when compared to similar sites on the market.
  • UpForIt takes user privacy and security seriously, offering various safety features such as profile verification and photo protection.
  • UpForIt also provides a feature called “Icebreakers” which allows users to send pre-written messages to other users.
  • UpForIt also offers a “Boost” feature which increases the visibility of a user’s profile.
  • UpForIt has a 24/7 customer service team available to answer any questions or concerns users may have.

Pros & Cons

  • Easy to use interface – UpForIt makes it simple and straightforward to find potential matches.
  • Comprehensive search options – You can filter your results based on a variety of criteria, so you’ll always find someone who fits what you’re looking for.
  • Secure messaging system – Your conversations are kept private with the secure messaging system, giving you peace of mind when chatting with other users.
  • Limited search filters make it hard to find the right match.
  • Too many fake profiles can be discouraging.
  • The user interface is outdated and clunky.
  • Not enough active users in certain areas of the world.
  • No way to verify that other members are who they say they are.

How we reviewed UpForIt

As an online dating expert, I and my team used a comprehensive process to review UpForIt. We tested both the free and paid versions of the site by signing up for accounts with different user profiles. To get an accurate assessment of how well it works, we sent messages to other users on the platform – over 500 in total! This took us several days as we wanted our review to be thorough. We also looked into all aspects of UpForIt’s design such as its layout, ease-of-use, features available etc., making sure that everything was working properly from a technical standpoint. Additionally, we checked out their customer service department (which is great!) and made sure they were responding quickly when contacted about any issues or questions related to using their website/app. Finally but most importantly,we verified each profile before sending them messages so that only real people are getting these notifications which ensures safety for everyone involved in this process. At Online Dating Expert Reviews LLC,we take pride in offering detailed reviews backed by extensive research like no other sites do; setting ourselves apart from others who don’t offer such deep dives into products or services they’re reviewing.

Design & Usability

When it comes to online dating, looks matter – and unfortunately for UpForIt, the site doesn’t have much going on in that department. The design is dated with a clunky interface that makes navigation difficult at best. It’s like they took all of the worst aspects of early 2000s web design and rolled them into one website!

The color scheme is also pretty uninspiring; mostly shades of gray interspersed with splashes of bright blue which just don’t go together well. I’m not sure what kind of message this sends out but whatever it was supposed to be – it missed its mark by a mile! And if you’re hoping for any UI improvements when you purchase a paid subscription? Don’t hold your breath because there aren’t any…unless maybe you count getting ads shoved down your throat as an improvement (which I definitely do NOT).

Speaking from experience, using UpForIt can feel like pulling teeth sometimes due to how slow and glitchy things are overall. Trying to get around or find specific features isn’t always easy either since everything seems so scattered about – almost as if someone threw darts at their keyboard while designing the layout! Not only does this make usability suffer big time but let’s face facts: no one wants their romantic prospects seeing something so outdated-looking either…it ain’t exactly gonna set hearts racing now is it?!

Overall then, my advice would be steer clear from UpForIt unless absolutely necessary – even though finding love should never come off feeling like such hard work anyway right?

Mobile App

Ah, UpForIt – the online dating site that’s been around for a while now. But does it have an app? Well, here’s what I can tell you: yes and no! It all depends on your device of choice. If you’re using Android or iOS devices then there is indeed an official UpForIt mobile app available to download from their respective stores – yay! However if you’re looking for something else like Windows Phone or Blackberry OS… sorry folks but this one isn’t compatible with those platforms yet (boo!).

The main advantage of having the UpForIt mobile app is convenience; being able to access your account anywhere at any time makes it easier than ever before to keep up-to-date with potential matches and messages. The user interface has also been designed specifically for smartphones so everything looks great too – no more squinting at tiny text boxes when trying to fill out forms on a small screen! Plus as long as you’ve got internet connection, whether through Wi-Fi or cellular data plans, then logging in won’t be a problem either which means even if your laptop decides not work right now (or worse still gets stolen!) don’t worry because help will always be just two taps away thanks to the handy little App Store icon sitting proudly in everyone’s pocket these days.

On top of that since both versions are free downloads they come without any hidden costs associated either so why wait?! Get downloading today and start swiping left/right straight away… who knows where life might take ya next!?

Now let me address my earlier statement about ‘yes & no’ regarding compatibility; unfortunately due lack resources some older operating systems such as Windows Mobile 7 aren’t supported by this particular application however despite its age many users may find themselves stuck between upgrading their phone hardware OR missing out on accessing certain features offered only via apps eek!. In other words sometimes tough decisions need making :-(.

All things considered though I’d say overall most people should feel pretty happy knowing they can get hold of whatever version suits them best without needing spend anything extra whatsoever plus having such quick easy access 24/7 helps make sure nobody misses important updates whenever new members join etc..so yeah go check ’em out already!!

Help & Support

If you’re looking for a dating site with good customer support, UpForIt is not the one. When it comes to getting help from this online platform, users are often left in the dark. The response time of their support team is so slow that I can barely remember when was the last time they actually responded!

To make matters worse, there isn’t even an FAQ page where users can find answers to common questions and issues without having to wait days or weeks for a reply from someone on their team. It’s like pulling teeth trying to get any sort of assistance out of them – I’ve contacted them several times over different issues but never got anything more than automated responses (if that).

And if by some miracle you do manage contact somebody who claims they’re part of their customer service department – don’t expect much either as all your problems will still remain unsolved after speaking with them! In my experience dealing with UpForIt’s “support staff", most conversations ended up being nothing more than empty promises and lip service which just made me feel frustrated instead of helped. So yeah…you won’t be getting much bang for your buck here in terms of reliable customer care services!

Overall, UpForIt has let its customers down big-time when it comes to providing adequate technical assistance; whether through emails or live chats/calls – none seem efficient enough at solving user queries quickly nor satisfactorily…so steer clear unless you want unnecessary headaches along with finding love online 😉

Signing up

So, you’re thinking about signing up for UpForIt? Well, buckle in because I’m gonna take you through the registration process. First things first: You’ll need to be at least 18 years old before they let you join the party – no exceptions! That being said, once that’s taken care of it won’t cost ya a dime. Signing up is free and easy peasy so don’t sweat it too much if this is your first rodeo with online dating sites. The homepage will give ya two options when registering; either use an existing account from Google or Facebook (which can save some time) or create a new one directly on their website by entering all your details manually like name and email address etcetera. Whichever way works best for ya – both are pretty straightforward processes so just pick whichever floats yer boat better!
Once everything has been filled out correctly there’s only one more step left until you’re ready to start swiping right… All users must agree to abide by their terms & conditions which includes verifying age as well as other important information related to data protection policies etc., but nothing too complicated really – nothin’ that should scare anyone away anyway! After reading them carefully click ‘Agree & Join Now’ and boom…you’re officially part of the UpForIt community now 🙂

And there we have it folks; my full review of how simple yet secure registering on UpForIt truly is – even someone who isn’t tech savvy could do this without breaking into a cold sweat 😉

  • To register on UpForIt, you will need:
  • A valid email address
  • A profile picture
  • A username
  • A password
  • Your gender and the gender of the people you are interested in meeting
  • Your age
  • Your location


When it comes to UpForIt, the pricing is definitely not something to write home about. Sure, you can join for free but if you want access to all of its features then be prepared to fork out some cash! It’s a bit like being asked on a date and having your wallet taken hostage – no one likes that feeling!

The paid subscription offers more than just the basic services; they have additional benefits such as unlimited messaging and exclusive search filters. But when compared with other dating sites in this price range, I’d say UpForIt isn’t competitive at all. So unless money is no object or you’re really desperate for love (which we’ve all been there!), I wouldn’t recommend signing up here any time soon…

Plan Price Features
Basic $0 Create profile, Upload photos, Search for matches, View profiles
Premium $9.99/month All basic features plus: Send messages, Read messages, See who viewed your profile, Get priority customer service
VIP $19.99/month All premium features plus: Unlimited messaging, Advanced search filters, Access to exclusive events, Priority placement in search results

Similar Sites

Alternative dating sites to UpForIt include Match.com, eHarmony, and Plenty of Fish. These websites offer a variety of features such as detailed profiles, advanced search filters, messaging systems and more that make it easier for users to find potential matches in their area.

  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • OKCupid
  • Tinder
  • Bumble

Best for

  • Best for singles looking to find a long-term relationship.
  • Best for people who are open to exploring different types of relationships.
  • Best for those seeking an active and diverse dating experience.


1. How does UpForIt website work?

UpForIt is a dating site that makes it easy to find people you’re interested in. It’s all about swiping and matching, so there isn’t much room for meaningful connections. Plus, the website doesn’t have any real safety measures in place which can be concerning.

2. Does UpForIt have a mobile app?

No, UpForIt doesn’t have a mobile app. It’s really disappointing that they don’t offer this option for their users since most dating sites do nowadays. I guess you’ll just have to stick with the desktop version if you want to use UpForIt!

3. How to find people on UpForIt?

Searching for people on UpForIt is a total waste of time. The profiles are outdated and the user base is sparse. I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone looking for a real connection.

4. How to cancel subscription on UpForIt?

To cancel your subscription on UpForIt, you’ll have to contact their customer service team. It’s a real hassle and they don’t make it easy for you to unsubscribe. Overall, I’m not impressed with the way they handle cancellations!

Hector Castillo

Hector Castillo is an online dating expert who has been writing reviews on various dating sites and apps for over five years. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Psychology from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) and also studied Social Sciences at San Diego State University. Before becoming an online dating guru, Hector worked as a Relationship Coach where he helped couples work through their issues to strengthen their relationships. It was during this time that Hector developed his passion for understanding how people interact with each other in romantic contexts which eventually led him to explore the world of digital matchmaking platforms such as Tinder, Bumble and OkCupid among others. He quickly became intrigued by these new technologies’ potential impact on our love lives; wanting to help guide users towards making informed decisions when it comes to finding compatible partners via technology-driven services or applications - hence why he decided pursue his career path within this field today! His expertise includes providing advice about profile creation & optimization techniques along with insights into what works best when using certain types of messaging strategies across different social media networks like Facebook Dating or Hinge etc… In addition, Hector often contributes articles related to modern day romance topics such as “Navigating Long Distance Relationships During The Pandemic” or “The Pros And Cons Of Online Dating In 2021" – all written from first hand experience combined with research based evidence! When not working hard helping singles find meaningful connections online - you can usually find him playing video games while sipping coffee at home..

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