Home » PerfectMatch 2023 Review – Is It Worth The Hype?

PerfectMatch 2023 Review – Is It Worth The Hype?

Are you ready to find your perfect match? If so, then PerfectMatch might be the dating site for you! But don’t take our word for it – let’s dive into this review and see what all the fuss is about. Does PerfectMatch really live up to its name? Is it worth signing up or should we keep swiping left on this one? Let’s find out!


Ah, PerfectMatch. What a disappointment! It’s like trying to find a needle in the haystack – you know it’s there somewhere but good luck finding it! I’ve tried my fair share of dating sites and apps, and this one just doesn’t cut the mustard. From its outdated design to its lack of features, PerfectMatch is definitely not worth your time or money. Save yourself some hassle and go with something else; trust me on this one!

PerfectMatch in 10 seconds

  • PerfectMatch is an online dating site that uses a unique matching algorithm to connect compatible singles.
  • The algorithm uses a personality test to identify potential matches based on interests, values, and beliefs.
  • PerfectMatch offers both free and premium subscription plans with varying prices.
  • Premium subscriptions start at $29.95/month for a 6-month plan and $19.95/month for a 12-month plan.
  • PerfectMatch also has an app available for download on iOS and Android devices.
  • PerfectMatch’s pricing is competitive compared to other similar sites on the market.
  • PerfectMatch takes user privacy and security seriously by using encryption technology and verifying all profiles.
  • Special features of PerfectMatch include private messaging, photo albums, and compatibility ratings.
  • PerfectMatch also offers personalized advice and tips to help users find their perfect match.
  • Members can use the “Icebreaker” feature to send automated messages to break the ice with potential matches.

Pros & Cons

  • PerfectMatch has a great user interface, making it easy to find potential matches.
  • The matching algorithm is very accurate and helps you find compatible partners quickly.
  • It offers many useful features such as private messaging and photo sharing that make online dating more enjoyable.
  • Limited user base in certain areas
  • Costly subscription fees
  • Lack of features compared to other dating sites
  • Unclear matching algorithm
  • Not enough safety and security measures

How we reviewed PerfectMatch

As an online dating expert, I and my team took a comprehensive approach to reviewing PerfectMatch. We tested both the free and paid versions of the site by sending messages to other users – over 100 in total! This process spanned several days as we explored all aspects of this popular platform. We also conducted interviews with current members who shared their experiences using PerfectMatch for finding dates or long-term relationships. Our research revealed how easy it was to create profiles on the website, navigate its features, interact with potential matches through messaging services and use search filters when looking for compatible partners based on specific criteria such as age range or location preferences. To ensure our review was thorough enough that readers could make informed decisions about signing up for this service, we went one step further than most review sites: we actually met up with some of these potential matches face-to-face! This allowed us to get a better sense of what kind of people were available through PerfectMatch’s database – from there it became easier to assess whether this is truly an effective way for singles seeking companionship online or not.
At Online Dating Expert Reviews (ODER), commitment is key; no stone left unturned in our quest towards providing accurate information so that you can find your perfect match without any hassle whatsoever!

User Profiles

If you’re looking for a match on PerfectMatch, don’t get your hopes up. This dating site is more miss than hit when it comes to user profiles. To start with, the public profile information isn’t much help in finding someone who meets your criteria; there’s no custom bio and only basic info like age and location are provided – which can be hidden but not edited or changed if you do decide to make it visible again. Plus, even though the location data is included in each profile, there’s no indication of how far away from one another users may be located – so if distance matters to you then this might not be the best option out there!

As for premium subscriptions? Don’t bother – I didn’t find any benefits that made them worth my while (not even free ice cream!). And unfortunately during my time testing out PerfectMatch I encountered quite a few fake profiles too – making me think twice about using this platform as an actual means of meeting people online… unless they’re just after some virtual flirting!

All things considered: pass on PerfectMatch unless all other options have failed ya’ miserably!

PerfectMatch features

Ugh, PerfectMatch. What a joke! I mean, sure they claim to be the perfect online dating site but in reality it’s anything but that.

First of all, let’s talk about their free features – or lack thereof. You get absolutely nothing for free on this site except your basic profile setup and searching capabilities – which are pretty much standard across any other dating sites out there anyway so no big deal there either way. The only thing you can do with those is browse through profiles without actually being able to contact anyone unless you upgrade your membership…which brings me to my next point: paid features! The “paid” version of PerfectMatch gives users access to additional search filters (like age range), message read receipts and an ability send messages back-and-forth between members who have upgraded their accounts as well as view others’ full profiles instead of just snippets like non paying members can see when browsing around the website. But honestly? It ain’t worth it if ya ask me; even after shelling out money for these extra privileges,you still don’t get access some unique feature sets like video chatting or live streaming events that most other reputable sites offer up nowadays…so why bother at all??

Bottom line here folks: If you’re looking for something special from an online dating service then stay away from Perfect Match because they won’t deliver what they promise…trust me on this one!!

  • Comprehensive personality test to help users find compatible matches
  • Advanced search filters to narrow down potential matches
  • Live chat feature to allow users to communicate with each other
  • Matching algorithm to suggest potential matches
  • Anonymous messaging system to ensure user privacy

Security & Safety

When it comes to online dating, safety and security should be top of mind. Unfortunately, PerfectMatch falls short in this department. From a lack of verification processes for users to no two-step authentication options available, the app leaves much to be desired when it comes to protecting its members from bots and fake accounts.

What’s more is that even though they claim their photos are manually reviewed by moderators – I’m not convinced! There’s just too many fishy profiles out there for me not raise an eyebrow at that statement. And if you take a look at their privacy policy (or rather don’t because let’s face it – who reads those things?) then you’ll see why I have serious doubts about how secure your data really is with them… Yikes!

As far as user experience goes on PerfectMatch? Well let’s just say there isn’t much here worth writing home about either… It seems like every time I log into my account something else has gone wrong or been changed without warning which makes navigating the site pretty darn confusing – talk about trial and error right?! Plus all these pop up ads can get real annoying after awhile so watch out if you’re planning on using this service long term… Trust me when I say: You’ve been warned!!

All in all, while PerfectMatch may seem appealing due to its low cost membership fees – save yourself some trouble down the line by investing elsewhere instead; ’cause trust me folks –you get what ya pay for!!

Help & Support

If you’re looking for support from PerfectMatch, good luck! This dating site is a total bust when it comes to customer service. Not only did I contact them multiple times and never get any response back, but the few responses that I did receive were completely unsatisfactory.

It’s like they don’t even care about their customers – which is especially concerning considering this website deals with sensitive information such as credit card numbers and personal data. Talk about shady business practices! It seems like no one at PerfectMatch knows what they’re doing or how to help out users in need of assistance.

To make matters worse, there isn’t even an FAQ page on the website where people can find answers to common questions quickly without having to wait days (or weeks!) for someone from PerfectMatch’s team to respond – if ever… The whole situation just leaves me scratching my head wondering why anyone would choose this online dating platform over others that actually provide decent customer service? If you ask me: stay away fromPerfect Match unless you want your time wasted by incompetent staff who won’t give two hoots about helping you out with whatever issue arises during your experience using their services.


If you’re looking for a dating site, PerfectMatch may not be the best choice. Sure, they offer plenty of features to make your online dating experience better – but all that comes at a cost! The website isn’t free; in fact it requires paid subscriptions to access any of its services.

The prices aren’t exactly competitive either: if you want full access then expect to pay up big time! You can get some discounts with longer-term plans, but even so the costs are still pretty steep compared with other sites out there. Plus don’t forget about those hidden fees and extra charges which could add up quickly too…yikes!

But let’s say you do decide to go ahead and sign up – what kind of benefits will you actually get? Well sure enough they have lots of great features like profile verification systems and compatibility tests…but these come as standard on most sites nowadays anyway so nothing special here really. All in all I’d say this one is probably more trouble than it’s worth – unless money is no object for ya’ that is…

| Plan | Price | Features

Similar Sites

Other dating sites that offer similar services to PerfectMatch include eHarmony, Match.com, Zoosk and Plenty of Fish. Additionally, there are many other online platforms such as Meetup or social media networks like Facebook where people can meet potential partners in their area.

  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • OKCupid
  • Tinder
  • Bumble

Best for

  • Best for those looking to find a long-term relationship.
  • Best for singles who want to meet someone with similar interests and values.
  • Best for people who are open to trying new things and exploring different dating experiences.


1. Is PerfectMatch safe?

Absolutely not! PerfectMatch is a complete scam. I wouldn’t trust it with my personal information, let alone try to find someone through it. It’s definitely not worth the risk of using this site.

2. What payment methods does PerfectMatch accept?

PerfectMatch only accepts credit cards as payment, which is a huge bummer. It’s really inconvenient and makes it hard to pay for the service if you don’t have one. Plus, there are other dating sites that accept more methods of payment like PayPal or Venmo – why can’t PerfectMatch do the same?

3. How long does it take to have my profile approved on PerfectMatch?

It takes way too long to get your profile approved on PerfectMatch. It feels like they are never going to approve it, which is really frustrating when you’re trying to find someone special online. I wouldn’t recommend using this dating site if you want quick results!

4. How to find people on PerfectMatch?

Finding people on PerfectMatch is a hassle – you have to fill out an extensive questionnaire before being able to browse through potential matches. The site also requires payment for most of its features, making it difficult and expensive to find someone special. All in all, I wouldn’t recommend PerfectMatch as the best option for online dating.

Hector Castillo

Hector Castillo is an online dating expert who has been writing reviews on various dating sites and apps for over five years. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Psychology from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) and also studied Social Sciences at San Diego State University. Before becoming an online dating guru, Hector worked as a Relationship Coach where he helped couples work through their issues to strengthen their relationships. It was during this time that Hector developed his passion for understanding how people interact with each other in romantic contexts which eventually led him to explore the world of digital matchmaking platforms such as Tinder, Bumble and OkCupid among others. He quickly became intrigued by these new technologies’ potential impact on our love lives; wanting to help guide users towards making informed decisions when it comes to finding compatible partners via technology-driven services or applications - hence why he decided pursue his career path within this field today! His expertise includes providing advice about profile creation & optimization techniques along with insights into what works best when using certain types of messaging strategies across different social media networks like Facebook Dating or Hinge etc… In addition, Hector often contributes articles related to modern day romance topics such as “Navigating Long Distance Relationships During The Pandemic” or “The Pros And Cons Of Online Dating In 2021" – all written from first hand experience combined with research based evidence! When not working hard helping singles find meaningful connections online - you can usually find him playing video games while sipping coffee at home..

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