Home » FlirtySlapper – Is It Worth It?

FlirtySlapper – Is It Worth It?

Are you looking for a dating site that offers something different? Well, look no further than FlirtySlapper! This unique online platform promises to bring the fun back into finding love. But does it really deliver on its promise? In this review, we’ll take an in-depth look at all of FlirtySlapper’s features and determine if it is worth your time – so buckle up and let’s get started!


Well, if you’re looking for a dating site that’s worth your time and money, FlirtySlapper is definitely not it. It’s like trying to hit the bullseye with a blindfold on – sure there might be some luck involved but chances are you won’t get anywhere close! The matches are so off-base that it feels more like playing Russian roulette than anything else. Plus, their customer service leaves much to be desired; they seem totally uninterested in helping out when things go wrong or answering questions about how the site works. All in all, I’d say steer clear of this one – trust me, you’ll thank yourself later!

FlirtySlapper in 10 seconds

  • FlirtySlapper is a dating site that uses an advanced matching algorithm to help users find their perfect match.
  • The algorithm takes into account a user’s interests, lifestyle, and preferences to create the most compatible matches.
  • FlirtySlapper offers a range of pricing options, from free basic membership to premium subscriptions.
  • Premium subscriptions start at $19.99 per month for a 3-month plan and go up to $49.99 per month for a 12-month plan.
  • FlirtySlapper also has an app available on both iOS and Android devices.
  • The pricing of FlirtySlapper is competitive with other similar sites on the market.
  • FlirtySlapper takes privacy and security seriously, offering users the ability to block and report any suspicious activity.
  • Users can also take advantage of the site’s unique ‘icebreaker’ feature, which allows them to send a pre-written message to break the ice with potential matches.
  • FlirtySlapper also offers a ‘safe mode’ option, which allows users to browse the site anonymously and only reveal their identity when they feel comfortable.
  • The site also has a detailed FAQ section to answer any questions users may have about the service.

Pros & Cons

  • FlirtySlapper makes it easy to find potential matches in my area.
  • The user interface is simple and intuitive, making it a breeze to use.
  • It offers plenty of features that make online dating fun and convenient!
  • FlirtySlapper can be a bit overwhelming for new users.
  • The matching algorithm is not always accurate.
  • It’s hard to find someone with similar interests and values on the site.
  • Some of the profiles are outdated or fake.
  • There have been reports of people receiving inappropriate messages from other members.

How we reviewed FlirtySlapper

To review FlirtySlapper, my team and I took a deep dive into the site. We tested both free and paid versions to get an accurate understanding of what it had to offer. Then we spent days sending messages back-and-forth with other users – over 100 in total! This allowed us to gain insight on how easy or difficult it was for people using this dating site. We also looked at all the features available such as profile creation, messaging options, search filters etc., so that our readers could have a comprehensive overview of what they were getting themselves into when signing up for FlirtySlapper’s services. What sets us apart from other review sites is our commitment towards providing thorough reviews like these; not just giving out quick ratings without taking time to actually experience the product first hand ourselves!

Help & Support

If you’re looking for support from FlirtySlapper, good luck! I’ve been using the dating site for a while now and have had some pretty dismal experiences when it comes to customer service.

The response time is abysmal – they take days (if not weeks) to get back to you if at all. And don’t even think about getting an answer outside of their business hours because that’s just never going to happen. There’s no FAQ page either so any issues or questions can only be answered by contacting them directly which, as I said before, isn’t always successful. I’ve contacted support on multiple occasions but unfortunately haven’t gotten much satisfaction out of it – most times there was no reply whatsoever or the answers were completely unhelpful and generic in nature like “We apologize for this inconvenience” with zero follow-up action taken afterwards… Talk about frustrating!

To make matters worse, whenever something goes wrong with your account they seem oblivious and clueless as how best help resolve whatever issue may arise – usually leaving me feeling helpless after trying unsuccessfully several times over email/chatbot/phone call etc… It almost feels like talking into thin air sometimes since nothing ever seems gets done in terms of fixing my problem(s).

All things considered then FlirtySlapper has definitely got room for improvement when it comes down its customer service department; more staff should be hired who are actually knowledgeable enough deal competently with user queries rather than providing robotic responses without any real resolution being achieved in the end.. In short: steer clear unless you want a headache dealing with these guys’ lacklustre ‘support’.

User Profiles

I recently tried out FlirtySlapper, a dating site that promises to connect you with your perfect match. Unfortunately, my experience was far from ideal and I wouldn’t recommend it for anyone looking for love online.

The profiles on the site are public which means everyone can view them – even if they aren’t signed up! You also can’t set a custom bio so all users have exactly the same information listed in their profile: age, gender and location info (which is quite vague). There’s no indication of how close or far away someone might be located either – making it difficult to find potential matches nearby. Plus there doesn’t seem to be any way of hiding this location data either so you’re stuck broadcasting where you live or work publicly on the internet! Not cool at all… On top of that, I found some fake profiles while testing out FlirtySlapper too – not something you want when trying to meet real people online! And don’t get me started about premium subscriptions; apart from being pricey there really isn’t much benefit as most features remain locked unless paying extra money each month…talk about getting fleeced by an app developer!!

All in all, using Flirty Slapper wasn’t worth my time let alone hard-earned cash – save yourself both and steer clear because trust me; this one ain’t gonna help ya find true love anytime soon…

Mobile App

Ah, FlirtySlapper. It’s a dating site that is sure to get your heart fluttering! But what about its mobile app? Well, the good news is there IS an app for this popular online dating service – and it has some pretty great features too.

The FlirtySlapper mobile app isn’t native; instead it was created using HTML5 technology which makes it compatible with both iOS and Android devices. Plus, you can download the app free of charge from either Apple App Store or Google Play store so no need to worry about shelling out any money here!

Once downloaded onto your device you’ll be able to access all sorts of cool stuff like creating a profile (which includes uploading photos), searching for potential matches in real-time as well as messaging other users directly via text chat – perfect if you’re looking for love on-the-go! You can also use GPS tracking so that people near by will know when they are close enough together – how convenient right?!

Of course nothing’s ever perfect and unfortunately there have been reports of technical glitches such as slow loading times due to poor connection speeds but these seem few and far between compared with the positives overall… plus tech support staff are always available should something go wrong anyway!. So why not give Flirty Slapper’s Mobile App a try today!? Who knows where Cupid might take ya…

Security & Safety

When it comes to online dating, safety and security should be top priority. Unfortunately, FlirtySlapper falls short in this department. As an online dating expert who has reviewed the app, I can confidently say that there is very little verification for users on the platform – if any at all! It doesn’t seem like they have taken steps to fight against bots or fake accounts either; so you could potentially find yourself talking with someone who isn’t even real! And don’t get me started on their two-step verification process…or lack thereof.

On top of that, photos are not manually reviewed by a team before being posted onto profiles – which means anyone can post anything without fear of repercussion (yikes!). Not only does this put people at risk but also leaves them vulnerable to malicious content such as inappropriate images or videos. Even worse? There’s no clear privacy policy outlining what data is collected from users and how it will be used – leaving us completely in the dark about our own personal information being shared across platforms we may not even know exist yet!

Overall my verdict: stay away from FlirtySlapper unless you want your private info exposed and conversations hijacked by robots pretending to be humans (not cool). If safety matters most when choosing a dating app then look elsewhere because unfortunately Flirty Slapper just ain’t cutting it…


If you’re looking for a dating site, FlirtySlapper may not be the best option. Sure, it’s free to sign up and create an account – but if you want to actually use the features of this website? You’ll have to pay! And let me tell ya: these prices ain’t cheap. Not only that, they aren’t even competitive with other sites out there in terms of cost-effectiveness.

So what do you get when signing up for a paid subscription? Well…not much really. Aside from being able to send messages (which is pretty standard on most dating websites) and access some extra profile options like uploading photos or videos – there isn’t anything else worth noting here. So overall I’d say pass on this one; unless your wallet doesn’t mind taking a hit every month just so you can chat with potential dates online!

Plan Price Features
Free $0 Create profile, Upload photos, Search
profiles, Send messages, Match suggestions
Plus $9.99/month All free features plus: Video chat, Advanced search,
Priority customer support
VIP $19.99/month All Plus features plus: Profile boost, Live events,
Personal matchmaker

Similar Sites

Other dating sites such as OkCupid, Match.com and eHarmony offer alternative options for those looking to meet new people online. Additionally, there are a variety of apps available that can help users find potential matches in their area or around the world.

  • OkCupid
  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • Tinder
  • Bumble

Best for

  • Best for those looking to find a long-term relationship.
  • Best for singles who are open to meeting new people and exploring different dating opportunities.
  • Best for individuals who want an easy, convenient way of finding potential dates online.


1. Does FlirtySlapper have a mobile app?

No, FlirtySlapper doesn’t have a mobile app – what kind of dating site is this?! It’s so inconvenient to not be able to access the site on my phone. Not cool at all!

2. How to register for FlirtySlapper?

Registering for FlirtySlapper is pretty easy, just fill out the form with your info and you’re good to go. It’s a shame that this site exists though – it doesn’t really seem like the best place to find someone special. I wouldn’t recommend using it if you want something serious.

3. Is FlirtySlapper any good?

No way, FlirtySlapper is a total waste of time. It’s full of fake profiles and the matches are never good. I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone looking for an online dating experience.

4. How to find people on FlirtySlapper?

Searching for people on FlirtySlapper is pretty easy. All you have to do is create a profile and start swiping! It’s really not the best way to find someone, though – it feels more like playing a game than actually trying to meet someone special.

Hector Castillo

Hector Castillo is an online dating expert who has been writing reviews on various dating sites and apps for over five years. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Psychology from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) and also studied Social Sciences at San Diego State University. Before becoming an online dating guru, Hector worked as a Relationship Coach where he helped couples work through their issues to strengthen their relationships. It was during this time that Hector developed his passion for understanding how people interact with each other in romantic contexts which eventually led him to explore the world of digital matchmaking platforms such as Tinder, Bumble and OkCupid among others. He quickly became intrigued by these new technologies’ potential impact on our love lives; wanting to help guide users towards making informed decisions when it comes to finding compatible partners via technology-driven services or applications - hence why he decided pursue his career path within this field today! His expertise includes providing advice about profile creation & optimization techniques along with insights into what works best when using certain types of messaging strategies across different social media networks like Facebook Dating or Hinge etc… In addition, Hector often contributes articles related to modern day romance topics such as “Navigating Long Distance Relationships During The Pandemic” or “The Pros And Cons Of Online Dating In 2021" – all written from first hand experience combined with research based evidence! When not working hard helping singles find meaningful connections online - you can usually find him playing video games while sipping coffee at home..

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